
Episode 5- Personal trainer, photographer, and mountaineer that LOVES to break trail! We talk with Kelly Selzler!

Kelly has been a member of PNW PeakBaggers since August 2020. She is originally from a small town in Ohio and went to college in Pittsburgh. She moved to Washington state in 2001 and loves it here. Kelly works as a personal trainer/athletic trainer at a small personal training studio in Lakewood. Kelly has 2 daughters, ages 8 and 16, and has found motherhood, although hard at times, to be one of the most rewarding things in life. Besides her obvious peakbagging obsession, she loves nature photography and has had gallery shows as well as her work hung in many homes and businesses. She also loves being in her yard gardening to her heart’s content.


Golfer turned PeakBagger- we talk with Greg Henriksen!


Episode 4-Crazy story of Escape, Refugee Camps, Communists, and Climbing Mountains! We talk with Maria Masiar!